Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Classic Monsters Revisited: Nymph

 In Classic Monsters Revisited, we'll be looking at various creatures from the Monstrous Manual and examine their mythical roots to help expand some possibilities for their use in game.

I thought I'd start my re-examination  with a personal favorite of mine. The Nymph, so beautiful you can't look at her, a seemingly eternal innocent, and intercessor of the gods, and mother of heroes.

Beyond the Standard Role

Nymph Image from Monstrous Compendium vol.1 art by Jim Holloway
Most often, the role the nymph ends up being used for in game is either an information and healing source midway though the game or as temptress to waylay the heroes along their quest.  The common image of  nymphs are often visualized as residing in a lovely bower within the woods, singing and dancing with a flock of various animals surrounding her. She's kind of like a Disney princess with occasional nudist tendencies.

Instead of playing a nymph as a flighty hedonist living in innocent seclusion, she could be seen instead as a power of nature that is to be reckoned with.  She has likely lived in her area for centuries, and has a broad range of experience. Her realm of influence might be little more than a small woodland glade, but she is the supreme power within it.  Her connection with the land is strong and she has spells that can enhance that. The Monstrous Manual points out nymphs often have flock of woodland creatures around her. Her charm brings animals to her side in droves, and appropriate use of Animal Friendship and Speak to Animals can provide her with allies, if not powerful, at least numerous. A flock of songbirds diving and pecking at the intruders may not do much damage, but it's more than enough to give the nymph a chance to dimension door away from the scene.  If her aggressors continue to harass her, she does have her 7th level cleric abilities to draw upon to confound those who threaten her.  As a last resort, she might strip off her clothes and use her unearthly beauty against them, but the success of such an attack is hardly certain, and becoming that vulnerable before her enemies is not something a nymph would relish.

As for the blinding nature of their beauty, there seem to be ways in which nymphs can control it. The module Terrible Trouble at Tragidore, features nymphs that can control their blinding abilities as long as they have not been surprised. The nymphs in that adventure ordered the PCs to close their eyes and they approached the PCs. If the nymph has a round to prepare, she can suppress her blinding beauty enough to allow PCs to view her without having to make a saving throw. Similarly, a nymph throwing herself at an attractive male might be able to hold her power in check if she willingly disrobes before her would be suitor.

It's still likely you need 18 Charisma just to get to First Base.

Unexpected Places

 While the traditional  location for a nymph is the beautiful woodland realms, the Manual does mention nymphs living in all environments including "glacier palaces, ocean grottoes, and crystalline caverns" suggesting some potentially unlikely places to encounter them.  It also could be assumed such nymphs have the ability to survive in such  environments (water breathing underwater, or cold resistance in the frigid climes) Players might be quite surprised to find some half naked girl roaming about the frozen forests.

One really unexpected place might be those "crystalline caverns", especially if they are deep in the Underdark. A drow nymph might be quite a surprise to those from the world above, and she might be less inclined to assist such strange people, thinking them monsters she should avoid.

Lover to Many

A nymph is quite free in her sexuality, but rather choosy in her partners. She is just as likely to seek companionship with a common shepherd as a highborn noble, their wealth and status having no bearing upon her choosing.  In a highly lawful society where strict rules of matrimony and fidelity are present, a nymph can be seen with both fascination and fear. Men would desire her, hoping to control her, and women might be jealous, both of the freedom she has and by the possible threat she poses to their husbands.

 Beyond the mere mortals, nymphs often get the attention of other beings. Satyrs will often seek out their company, though according to The Ecology of the Nymph (Dragon Magazine #240) the satyr's pipes have no effect upon nymphs, meaning he has get by with his winning personality.

It's not unheard of for some of the more promiscuous deities to seek out a nymph's company. Greek mythology is replete with talks of Zeus' amorous adventures with nymphs. Equally common are the tales of Hera's jealous retribution on the poor creatures. A nymph bearing the child of such a union is to find herself in a large amount of trouble. If like Zeus, and the god was married, the god's partner may not look too kindly on the infidelity.  The offended partner is just as likely to call upon her cult to harass and attack the nymph for the affront as take matters personally.

Between Man and the Gods

Nymphs are well connected to the higher powers. Most of Greek mythology indicates the nymphs are the daughters of various minor gods or titans, making  a nymph a borderline demi-goddess. They also served various roles for the gods. The Muses were nymphs who inspired artists. The goddess Artemis had a contingent of eighty nymphs that served as her hunting companions.  It would not be uncommon for an avatar of a lawful good god (especially a goddess) to have a retinue of nymphs accompanying them while upon the Material Plane. Similarly, the easiest way to seek an audience or favor with a god might be to seek out one of the nymphs that serve them.

Before the rise of the Olympian cult in Greece, nymphs were often seen as the local gods associated with a region. There might be some remote villages that still worship the local nymph, which might cause some friction with the primary religion of the region. Likewise, nymphs might serve a roll in druid rituals. Being able to survive witnessing the unearthly beauty of a nymph might be a rite of passage for higher level druids.

Nymph Magic

Since nymphs have the equivalent abilities of a 7th level druid, they have a wide variety of spells available to them. They never utilize offensive spells, preferring escape instead of combat. Normally they will have a few healing spells prepared, plus a couple plant or animal spells to assist with any tasks that might come before her. Nymphs almost always have Bless ready, and often use it not just to inspire warriors, but artists and poets to create great works (they gain +1 on their next proficiency check)

Commonly Used Spells

1st Level
Animal Friendship, Bless, Create Water, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil, Endure Heat/Cold, Entangle, Faerie Fire, Locate Animals or Plants, Purify Food and Drink

2nd Level
 Augury, Charm Person, Goodberry, Know Alignment, Obscurement, Resist Fire/ Cold, Slow Poison, Speak With Animals

3rd Level
Create Food and Water, Plant Growth, Prayer, Protection from Fire, Tree

4th Level
Animal Summoning I, Call Woodland Beings, Cure Serious Wounds, Hallucinatory Forest, Neutralize Poison, Plant Door

New Nymph Spells

Level: 2
Sphere: Plant
Range: 5 yds
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect:  1 tree
Components: V, S
Casting Time 1 rd.
Saving Throw: None

Casting this spell will be alter the leaves any tree into a fine silken material suitable for clothing. The leaves of the tree will fuse together, becoming soft and pliable, which can easily be cut and sewn into garments. The spell will create 1d6 yards plus one yard per level of caster worth of material.

Forest Sense
Level: 3
Sphere: Plant
Range: 100 yds/level
Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/caster level

Area of Effect: Caster
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None

Forest Sense allows the caster to gain a sense of awareness of what is happening in the woodlands surrounding them. The caster must be seated on the ground, and can take no action while the spell is in effect. While active, the spell allows the caster to open their mind and perceive the world around them as the nearby plants and animals see it.  The result is fairly specific about creatures of the forest or plants nearby (there's a bear 60 yards away to the south, there's a large patch of berries 20 feet away) but less specific about creatures not part of the forest (there are five man sized creatures 100 yards to the north) some proper discernment from the caster (and some questions to the DM) might extract more detail. 

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