Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Gotta Catch Em All: Grass Dragon

I have one of those old pokemon game manuals, and it always struck me a lot of the more unique pokemon needed conversion into D&D creatures.  So I decided to start with the first pokemon on the list, or at least the final evolution of the Bulbasaur: Venussaur.  To make the creature more fitting in a D&D game, what was an adorable companion animal in the game is now a dangerous predator looking to feast upon you.

 Grass Dragon

CLIMATE/TERRAIN: Woodlands/ Savannah
FREQUENCY:           Very Rare
ORGANIZATION:       Solitary

DIET:                           Carnivore            
TREASURE:              Nil
INTELLIGENCE:        Animal (1)
ALIGNMENT:             Neutral

NO. APPEARING:         1-4
ARMOR CLASS:            4
MOVE:                        6
HIT DICE:                    5-7
% IN LAIR:                   10
# OF ATTACKS:         3
DAMAGE/ATTACK:     1-6 / 1-6 / 2-20
SPECIAL ATTACKS:   Surprise, Constriction
SIZE:                             H (20'-25' long)
MORALE:                       Steady (11)
XP VALUE:                     975

  While not a true dragon, the grass dragon is a formidable creature with a voracious appetite. It is the terror of the plains and forests, lying in wait for the unsuspecting. The Grass Dragon is a massive reptilian creature with a unusual growth of long spiky grass like spikes upon it's back. It also has an unusual pair of clawed, whip like tentacles on it's back that uses to grab and hold it's prey as it attacks.

The Grass Dragon lies in ambush for it's prey, usually lying in wait near established animal trails. It uses it's strong claws to burrow itself partially into the ground, and it's grassy looking spikes give it excellent disguise. Opponents are at a -2 for surprise rolls when it strikes. It's whip tentacles strike at it's prey constricting with it's incredible strength and drawing the victim to the Grass Dragon's gaping maw. Each tentacle has 20 hit points with an Armor Class of 3, and is chopped off when reduced to zero. The tentacles will grow back in 3d6 weeks.

  Grass Dragons are normally solitary, though on occasion a mated pair will be found with 1-2 young of 2-4 hit dice. They make burrows into the ground far away from their hunting grounds, and are fiercly territorial in their homes.

 The Grass Dragon is a powerful predator of the wild lands far removed from civilization. It eats on whatever comes within reach of it's tentacles, and has no fear of anything smaller than itself. Grass Dragon hide is prized for use in making leather armor. The hide from a Grass Dragon can fetch 1d6 x 50 gp per hit dice of the monster.

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