Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Yep, another D&D blog.

I've been playing AD&D since high school. I cut my teeth on second edition, and got started in 3rd when Wizards released it. Though as I've gotten older I've embraced the grognard within me and have returned to 2nd. With all of the 2nd edition material available fairly cheaply, and the ease at which 1st edition material (and Basic system as well) can be made to work with it, I have more than enough to play around with.

So, what am I going to be writing about on this blog? I have a few plans already:

Classic Monsters Revisited In which we re-examine various classic monsters from the monster manual and suggest some alternate ideas for them.

Giants of the Earth was an article series in the old Dragon magazine. They statted up various literary characters from novels and myth. I'm thinking I might be expanding this to include some characters from film and television

Gotta Catch Em' All! This is likely to be an odd series of monster write ups. I'm planning on converting some of the more unique Pokemon monsters into D&D creatures. I won't be doing all of the creatures (such as the ones that have obvious counterparts in the game already) and they are likely to be quite different from their source Pokemon.

Plus I'll be doing the occasionally random post on whatever strikes me as interesting.  And as soon as I get another game going I expect I'll be writing up session details and other game material details.

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